Algebra 1 Spring Semester
Week 17-18 HW
February 13/14— the following week is our February Break— no classes, then class resumes February 27/28
Upcoming Tests and Quizzes
Multiplication Quizzes every week
Week 17 - Feb 13/14 Mid-Chp Take-Home Quiz: Chp 9 Quiz #1 Chp 9.1-9.3
Week 18 Feb 27/28 Possible Mid-Chp Quiz Wednesday Chp 4 Quiz #1 Chp 4.1-4.2
Week 19 Possible Mid-Chp Quiz Wednesday Chp 4 Quiz #2 Chp 4.3-4.4 OR 4.5
Week 17 HW February 13/14
Resources will be added to the resource page soon. Note, this week’s HW is longer than normal. You have two weeks to complete it.
Week 17 - Do the Chp 9 Quiz which I handed to you in class. Stop at the line which says stop. Open binder and calculator but no book/internet or other people. Just your notes and good brain.
Smart Studying
Work your multiplication mastery plan. Some of you may be ready to move onto the 11s & 12s. Get your parent’s signature verifying you studied multiplication facts for 10 minutes every day 5 days a week. 6th day is a bonus point.
Review your class notes, KIN, and any video notes. As you review your notes ANNOTATE them. Make drawings and add notes to help you remember and understand.
GREENIE CLASSWORK… we typically start this in class and you finish what’s left over at home. This is usually review.
(This is Math 8 for those of you who are going to integrated math programs in HS. For everyone else it is review as well as a preview of some geometry.)
Are the following pages complete? Answers to Greenie work are on a button above “Greene Answer Keys”
REVIEW Page 13 Exponents and Roots: multiplying, dividing exponents, and powers of powers
REVIEW Page 14 Exponents and Roots: Scientific Notation
NEW page 35 Measurement and Geometry: Volume of Pyramids and Cones - (finish) evens
Textbook Homework
Take home chp 9.1-9.3 quiz. Open HW/CW/Binder, unlimited time, calculator okay. Closed textbook.
PH 4.1-4.2 Check Point Quiz #1 pg. 195 —all of this is SQUARE work for bonus HW points. DO 2-8 EVENS & 9-10
PH 4.3 Percent Proportion & Equations…
CW PH 197-199 read and do examples
HW Check understanding pg. 197-199 #1-6
PH 4-4 Percent of Change… review from last year (we’re skipping % error problems)
Read pg. 204-206. Do you remember the mnemonic device you created last year? If not, make a new one to remember the formula. Add this formula to your IMPS.
Watch and take notes on this Math Antics Percent Change video
CW pg 204 Ex 1 & 2
HW Check understanding 1-2 on pages 204-5
PH 4-5… Probability: Theoretical, Experimental and Prediction (Newish but not really— you just haven’t had HW on this yet)
CW PH 211-213 Ex 1-4 — pay attention to “or” = another favorable outcome
Re-read examples in section 4.5 and highlighted vocab and formulas to your IMPS (probability, outcome, even, sample space, theoretical probability = favorable outcomes/possible outcomes, impossible even, certain event, complement of an event)
Optional review videos:
Theoretical and Experimental Probability Math Antics Probability
Odds in favor and odds against: What are odds?
How to figure out odds if you’re given the odds “Odds with Shaq”
HW PH 214 #3, 5, 11, 13, 17, 198 21, SQUARE 29 & 31 as well as MR 55-69 odds PENTAGON pg. 217 do checkpoint quiz 1-9 odds
PH 9-3 & 9-4 & 9-7 Special Cases (difference of squares and squares of binomials)
DIFFERENCE OF SQUARES: Watch and take notes
Math is visual Difference of Squares video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X2Pp2FOwCY
Slightly harder Difference of Squares and another short video with slightly harder problems
1st Look for a GFC (greatest common factor)
Look for a difference of squares OR a squares of binomials
You might need to simplify and them combine like terms
CW p 492 Ex #3 (BASIC a =1) abc, 4 (a doesn’t equal 1) abc, 5 (pull out a GCF first) abc
HW: Read pg. 490-492 then add these special cases to your IMPS
HW pg 493 #1-6 all, 13-31 odds
PH 9-5… Introduction to Regular Trinomials x² + bx +c
CW comparing diamond problems to y = x² + bx +c. Deducing a mental shortcut. SB HO pg 323-324, 339-340
HW: Show a parent or older sibling how the Diamond Product & Sum Puzzle is the way you can factor ax² + bx +c (if a=1)
HW: Finish HO SB pg 340.
HW: Read pg. 481 Add y = x² + bx +c ² is a regular trinomial to your IMPS.
PREVIEW VIDEO: DIAMOND & BOX METHOD Using the diamond/box method with Mario (3 minutes)
Week 18 is after our scheduled February/President’s week Break
February 27/28
Week 19 Probable Mid-Chp Quiz Wednesday Chp 4 Quiz #1 & 2
Smart Studying - Really nail your multiplication facts so you can stop taking these tests! Especially know your perfect squares through 15²
GREENIE CLASSWORK… we start this in class. Finish at home
(This is Math 8 for those of you who are going to integrated math programs in HS. For everyone else it is review as well as a preview of some geometry.)
Are the following pages complete? Answers to Greenie work are on a button above “Greene Answer Keys”
REVIEW Page 15 Exponents and Roots: Operations with Scientific Notation
NEW Page 16 Square and Square Roots - simplifying expressions under the radical sign
NEW Page 36 Measurement and Geometry: Volume of Spheres -odds
Textbook Homework
PH 4-6 Probability: Independent and Dependent Events NEW
CW PH 220-221 Examples 1-4
HW Check understanding 1-4
Optional video resources:
PH 5-1 Intro to Relating Graphs to Events (Newish but not really— you just haven’t had HW on this yet)
HW read pg. 236-7 then do Check understanding 1-3
PH 5-3 Investigating Functions (Use Desmos to plot) NEW
HW “Investigating Functions” on page 247. Use Desmos to plot your points.
PH 5-2.. Relations & Functions & Function Notation
Preview videos - take notes
Overview of function notation 10 minute video by Kevin Dorey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVUeWKIiypM )
Just watch then do problem #2: Function Notation 4 minute Mario math tutor video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e0EdFGpcvc and do problem 2 before he does them.
How to determine if an equation or set of data represents a function? Four ways to determine if an equation or set of ordered pairs represents a FUNCTION here
PH 9-5 Review HW Regular trinomials x² +bx +c
CW BA text Build using Algebra tiles pg. 214 #1-3
CW PH examples 1 & 2
HW PH pg 483 #1-13 odds
PH 9-7 Review HW special cases
Watch and take notes DIFFERENCE OF SQUARES:
Walk through simple difference of squares problems and harder ones with ProfRobBob’s 15 minute video— sometimes you aren’t done factoring after one set of difference of squares. Sometimes there’s a second difference of squares lurking in the factors. Written explanation of difference of squares problems
Now do these problems PH p. 477 8-12 evens, 20-26 evens - answers are on the chp 9 resource page
CHP 4 REVIEW will be next week. We’ll do the odds. You can get a head start on that if you feel like it. Answers are posted on the resource page.