Algebra 1 Spring Semester
Make-up Day April 10 and Week 22
April 10 & April 16
April 10 -Make-up Week Homework
(April 10 will count as the week 21 HW since we didn’t have any HW over spring break after week 21)
Classwork Concepts: lines of symmetry, geometry transformations (reflections, translations, rotations, dilations). Angle relationships (supplemental, complimentary, vertical, corresponding interior angles, corresponding exterior angles). Triangle angle sums problems. Inequalities with division and multiplication by a negative means reverse the inequality sign!!
Smart Studying- includes Desmos Activities
STARTING this week STUDENTS WILL TAKE THEIR MULTIPLICATION QUIZ AT HOME. Show your parents where to find the quizzes — see button above.
Two Demos Activities: Reviewing lines: Do “Two Truths and a lie: Lines” - do this with at least one other person from our algebra class online at the same time. Review volume formulas Do “Cylinders” in our Desmos classroom
Review a real-world inequality problem with this Magic of Math short. Can you do the problem before the teacher does?
Factoring Quadratic equations using the box and diamond method. Watch problem #1 in this video. Then do each subsequent problem BEFORE Mario does. (9 problems) We learned this last class before break.
GREENIE CLASSWORK - odds only. If you do EVENS you’ll get SQUARE BONUS POINTS. We start this in class. Finish at home
Answers to Greenie work are on a button above “Greenie Answer Keys”
REVIEW Page 23 odds (even is SQUARE bonus) Ratios, Proportions and Similarity: Similar Figures
REVIEW page 41 odds (even is SQUARE bonus) Graphing Lines: Graph each equation and rate of change — constant or variable
Watch these videos to review the geometry we did in class this week (this is from integrated Math 7 for those of you going on to an integrated math program. This is from geometry for those of you who will be doing geometry next year)
Watch and do the practice problems before the teacher does them. (Math 7 section 8.1) Classifying Angles, Identifying Complementary and Supplemental Angles, Finding angles using this information (video by ssgurgs9)
Watch and do the practice problems before the teacher does them. (Math 7 section 8.2) 8.2 Parallel Perpendicular and Skew lines, Using Angle Relations to Find Missing Angles (video by ssgurgs9)
Textbook Homework
Solutions are on the Algebra resources page
PH 9.6 Factoring Trinomials with this form: ax² + bx + c PENTAGON BONUS
As part of your smart studying, you watched this video and did these 9 problems before Mario did them (Factoring Quadratic equations using the box and diamond method. Now for BONUS PENTAGON POINTS - read the Example 1 on page 486 and try the foil method if it makes sense to you on these problems pg 487 #1-11 on
PH 9.7 Factoring Special Cases
Re-read examples for special cases and then annotate your IMPS (add more details about difference of squares and PST = SOB.
PH Chp 8 Start the Chp Review 8.1-8.5
Do p. 447-9 #11, 14, 17, 20, 25, 27, 31-35, 41-42, 46 SQUARE 26
PH Chp 8.6 Geometric Sequences - with a formula
Do p. 427 multiples of three of #6-27, SQUARE 29
PH Chp 7.1 Solving Systems of Equations using graphing (method 1 of 3)- USE DESMOS or graphing calculator (this is a pain by hand due to imprecise hand drawn graphs)
Read pg. 340-342 then DO p. 343 #1-19 odds USE DESMOS when possible
PH Chp 7.2 NEW Solving Systems of Equations using Substitution (method 2 of 3) We haven’t done this section nor 7.3 in class yet; I want you to learn how to read a math textbook so I’m going to let you attempt to figure this out. After you’ve read the examples in the text, you’ll also want to watch the support videos which are excellent. We’ll review in class in the coming week.)
Read PH p. 347-348. Focus on Example 1. We’ll do Ex. 2 next week.
WATCH AND TAKE NOTES on Solving Systems of Equations using Substitution (video from ssgurgs9) After watching, circle back to the textbook example and re-read. Then do the problems below.
Do pg. 350: #5, 7, 9
PH Chp 7.3 NEW Solving Systems of Equations using Elimination (adding or subtracting which is method 3 of 3)
Read PH p. 353 Ex 1, then Do #1-5.
WATCH AND TAKE NOTES Solving Systems of Equations by Elimination or using Addition and Subtraction (video from ssgurgs9)
Week 22 HW APRIL 17
HW Checklist is here. Support Videos are below.
Videos will be posted by Friday. Most answers are already on the Algebra Resource page. The rest will be there by Friday too.
Smart Studying: Reviews and Desmos Activities
Review applications of Pythagorean theorem - do Desmos Activity “Taco Truck”
Review triangle sum theorem by doing “Puzzling it Out” in our Desmos classroom
Preview Video of Box and Whisker Plots from Magic of Math — this is a Math 7 standard that is good to review.
Watch Difference of Squares Magic of Math shorts - can you answer the multiple choice question correctly?
GREENIE CLASSWORK… we start this in class. Finish at home
(This is Math 8 for those of you who are going to integrated math programs in HS. For everyone else it is review as well as a preview of some geometry.)
Are the following pages complete? Answers to Greenie work are on a button above “Greenie Answer Keys”
NEW Page 24 Ratios, Proportions and Similarity: Dilations - support video here
REVIEW 42 Graphing Lines: Slope of a line
REVIEW 43 Graphing Lines: Using Slopes and Intercepts
Textbook Homework
PH Chp 7.1 Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing (part 2)
Do p. 433 #21-21 odds, 43-57 odds, SQUARE 33-37 odds (you may use a graphing calc/desmos)
PH Chp 7.2 Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution (part 2 of 3)
Read p. 354-6 Ex 2-5
Do #2-6 evens as review of the easier ones, then #7-21 odds
PH Chp 7.4 Applications of Solving Systems of Equations — this is difficult so we’ll do just a few problems at a time
Read p. 362-363. Do #1-3, MR 365 #30, 35, 39
PH Chp 7.5 Graphing Linear Inequalities
Classwork - discuss or do the blue box Investigation on pg. 370
Do p. 373 1-2, 7-8, 11-12, 19-20
PH Chp 8.6 Geometric Sequences
Do p. 427-9, #4-40 multiples of 4 (which are not also multiples of 3, because you already did the multiples of 3), MR 65-66, 70, PENTAGON #44
PH Chp 8 Review 8.1-8.6
pg. 447-449 # 16, 19, 24, 29, 30, 39, 48, 48, 51-54
PH Chp 9.6 Factoring Trinomials (putting it all together): Factor our GCF, Is it a special case?
Read Ex 2-3, Do 487 #2-12 evens, 13-27 odds
PH Chp 9.7 Special Cases Dif of Sq, PST = SOB
Do p. 493, #19-33 odds, Mental Math — read that part in bold then do #39-43 odds, 45-48 all