Algebra 1 Spring Semester
Week 23-24 HW
April 22/23/24 & May 1/2
Week 23 HW
April 22/23/24
Smart Studying
Finish learning your multiplication tables at lightning speed. Get your multiplication study plan signed. In three weeks (second week of May) we’ll have our last timed test. It will be worth a lot of points. Let’s be done with this.
Review other methods of factoring quadratic expressions
The Split method - this is the first one we did in class Monday byMath Mashup 8 minutes
NEW: Magic x method: this method is really slick AND fast. I think it might be your new favorite. The MAGIC X builds on the diamond method adding one quick step for quadratic coefficients which are greater than 1. (9 minute video with Nancy Pi; this method works for any ax² +bx+c quadratic expression— the next stuff starts around minute 5ish. )
Sort of guess and check method AoPs Factoring Quadratics Part 1 10 minutes - guess and check,
SQUARE: Play “Polygraph Parabolas” with your algebra classmates on our Desmos classroom. This helps you understand parabolas well.
GREENIE WORK… we start this in class. Finish at home
(This is Math 8 for those of you who are going to integrated math programs in HS. For everyone else it is review as well as a preview of some geometry. Answers to Greenie work are on a button above “Greenie Answer Keys”)
NEWish Page 25 Geometric Relationships: Angle Relations - odds
NEWish Page 26 Geometric Relationships: Parallel lines and transversals, perpendicular lines
REVIEW 44 Graphing Lines: Point-Slope Form
Classwork: #20 Using Pythagorean theorem to find the distance formula (distance of a diagonal line) (Math 8 chp 3.9)
PH Textbook Homework
New Concepts
Read 377 - 380.
Optional support videos: Mashup Math on Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities or another by Mario or another Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities (video from ssgurgs9)
Do Check understandings for all examples.
Read pg. 510-513, add key vocabulary words to your IMPS
Do pg. 512 #1-2, 4-6, 10, 14, 20-23
Read pg. 517-519 add any vocabulary and/or formulas to your IMPS
DO check understanding problems for all examples
10.3 ESTIMATING SQUARE ROOTS (this should be review even though it’s a new section)
Read and add formulas or summary of key examples to IMPs for this section
DO check understanding problems for all examples
10.4 - Solving Quadratic Equations (example #2) using square root property
Watch this video on how to solve simple quadratic equations using the square root property such as 3x² + 1 = 49 (9 minutes by Organic Chem Tutor) This is pretty intuitive.
Read example 2, then do the check understandings problems
Review or Deepening understanding
7.2 Systems of Equations - Substitution (Part 3 of 3)
PH Do pg. 350-351 #23, 31, 35, 39 PENTAGON 45-46
7.3 Systems of Equations - Elimination (aka addition or subtraction) (Part 3 of 3)
PH p. 354-9, #23-37 odds, Review 51, 54-56
7.4 Mixture Problems, D=rt, Break Even Problems - Solving Systems of Linear Equations Applications
PH 365 #4-6, 16, MR #29, 36-38
7.5 Graphing Linear Inequalities
PH 373-4 Do #6, 9, 17-18, 23-24
9.6 Factoring ax² +bx + c
Try using a new method ( Magic x method by Nancy Pi - this is the one demonstrated by the lady who writes on glass as if writing backwards) or the The Split method) to tackle these problems so you decide on your favorite method. (After this I won’t show you any more methods, I’ll just say, use your favorite.)
Do pg. 488 14-28 evens, 31, 47
9.7 Special Cases PST = SoB and Dif of Sq
Do pg. 491: #48-52 all, 56-58 all
PENTAGON 9.8 Factoring by Grouping. This is now taught in Algebra 2. But you can totally figure this out because it’s pretty much the split method which you already know how to do!
Read 496-49. Here’s and optional support video by Mario of factoring by grouping when you have four terms and by Organic Chem Tutor
Do a few check understanding problems to see if you’ve got this.
Celebrate: You now know how to do everything in chp 9 which is one of the hardest chapters in the book. I’m so proud of you guys!
Week 24 HW
April 30 & May 1
A note about homework: This class has 14-week semesters. Most classes have 17-18 week semesters. That means we cover all the algebra concepts in 2 months less time than at a traditional school! Which translates to a faster pace but more breaks! Which in turn means our homework problems are condensed over a shorter period of time. In other words, there will be some weeks that students will have more HW than in a traditional school setting. That’s the trade-off for having 2 fewer months in school AND still being fully prepared for the next math class. But typically, I’m assigning roughly the same amount of homework over a 5-day span as my colleagues and I did in a traditional school setting or slightly less. Either way, students in our math classes go on to rock their next math class. I make sure you have ample opportunity to master the important concepts.
Smart Studying
Finish mastering your multiplication tables. Big quiz on that coming soon.
SQUARE: Do this Desmos activity to prepare for chp 10 - graphing and solving quadratic equations “Polygraph Parabolas: PART 2”
Study for Chp 9, and Chp 6 Test. Create test notecards.
GREENIE CLASSWORK… we start this in class. Finish at home
(This is Math 8 for those of you who are going to integrated math programs in HS. For everyone else it is review as well as a preview of some geometry.)
Are the following pages complete? Answers to Greenie work are on a button above “Greenie Answer Keys”
NEW… Page 25 Geometric Relationships: Angle Relations - finish
NEW… Page 26 Geometric Relationships: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines - finish
SQUARE BONUS REVIEW 45 Graphing Lines: Direct Variation - odds
SQUARE BONUS REVIEW Classwork: #41 all Rate of Change, slope of line (Math 8.1)
Textbook Homework
PH Chp 9 Review - Do pg. 503-5 #1-5 all, 6, 8, 9, 13, 19, 25-26, 46-47, 51, 65-68
PH Chp 7 Review Do Multiples of 3
PENTAGON PH 7.4 PG 365-6 #7-15 ALL PG 365-6
PH 9-6 … ax^2+bx+c - teach someone in your house your preferred factoring method (show them on 2 problems from this set: pg 488 problems 31-41 odds — you don’t have to do them all, just choose 2)
PH 9-7 Special Cases
Give yourself a micro-quiz: without looking at any notes, write out formulas for PST = SoB and Difference of Squares (expanded form and factored forms).
NEW MATERIAL - additional videos for each topic are also on the Algebra Resource Page
PH 10.4 Solving Quadratic Equations Using Square Root Property
Read Ex 1 & 3 then do the Check understandings
Optional video on solving quadratic equations by getting them in the form x^2 = some constant (7 Minutes by ssgurgs9)
PH 10.5 Factoring to Solve Quadratic Eq
Read examples and do Check understandings
Art of Problem Solving - Factoring to solve Q. E. part 1
Art of Problem Solving - Factoring to solve Q E part 2
Visualizing this with algebra tiles
PH 10.6 Intro to Completing the Square
Read examples and do Check understandings
Completing the square when the c term is missing (10 minute video by ssgurgs)
10.7 The quadratic formula
Read examples and do Check understandings
How and when to use the quadratic formula (any time but it’s tedious) (10 minute video by ssgurgs)
PH 11.1 Radical Expressions – simplifying
Read examples and do Check understandings
Simplifying Square Roots Part 1 by Art of Problem Solving
Simplifying Square Roots Part 2 by Art of Problem Solving before you watch this video, review divisibility rules
Simplifying radical expressions by Mario’s Math Tutoring A different method for evaluating radical expressions by breaking down the radican into it’s prime factors Simplifying Radicals Easy Method by Mario’s Math Tutoring
PH 11-2 Pythagorean theorem - review
Read examples and do Check understandings
Art of Problem Solving Pythagorean Theorem part 1
Art of Problem Solving Pythagorean Theorem part 2
Art of Problem Solving Pythagorean Triples
PH 11-3 Distance & Midpoint Formula
Read examples and do Check understandings
Art of Problem Solving - the distance formula
Mario Midpoint Formula