Honors Algebra 1
Table of Contents for 2023-2024 Homework
Algebra is the bridge between arithmetic and higher math.
Required Supplies — visit the bottom of the Algebra Seminar Page for a complete list of supplies. Click HERE
Fall 2023 Classes are held on Tuesdays 9 to 12 & Wednesdays 9 to 11
Tuesday September 5 - Wednesday January 10
October Break is 10/10-13 Thanksgiving Break is 11/21-24 Winter Break is 12/14-1/8
Class resumes on January 9th. Last day of the fall semester is January 10.
Tuesday January 16 - Wednesday May 22, 2024
Last day of regular math classes is May 15 Math classes end one week earlier than Sci-LA classes, so the week of May 21-22 is reserved for make up classes in case I need to reschedule a class throughout the year. YES, WE’RE USING MAY 22/23 AS A MAKE UP DAY FROM FALL.
February Break- one week February 19-23
Spring Break- two weeks March 25-April 9. No class 4/9 but yes class on 4/10
Homework is 50% of grade
Tests and Quizzes are 25% of grade.
Classwork including Notebook Organization is 25% of grade
Bonus 5% for students doing SQUARE work on HWBonus 10% bonus on each homework assignment for attempting PENTAGON problems
Homework gets full credit if
All problems are attempted,
Work is shown, with answers boxed
Work is organized, legible and in pencil
Problems have been corrected using the answers in the back of the book
Missed problems have been re-attempted
List of HW problems students want to review in class is on the top sheet of each assignment
Proper heading: Full Name, Date Due, HW # (Week 1, Week 2),
Quizzes are 10 points & happen almost weekly.
Quizzes help me and students see what they need to re-learn. And research shows that low stakes quizzes do much more for helping learners retain information than simply re-reading or doing more problems.
Tests are worth 100 points and occur at the end of most chapters (about once a month.)
Tests will vary in format (closed book, open notes, multiple choice, extended response) so that students learn strategies for succeeding on each type of test. Varying assessments gives me different information about student comprehension and mastery.
Spring 2024 Algebra 1 Homework
Our extra Algebra sessions are from 10 to noon on these Mondays: December 4, January 15 & 29, February 26, March 11, April 22, May 6 and 20.
Click on the buttons for each week’s homework and resources. Each week’s button will be activated after the first class of that week.
Fall 2023 Algebra 1 Homework
Click on the buttons for each week’s homework, classwork summary, and resources to help you study that week.